
  • Barr Pineapple

    Sparkling Pineapple Flavour Soft Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners

  • £0.10
    Total: £ 0.10
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    The brightly wrapped Cadbury Roses chocolates, in distinctive blue packs, has been a traditional favourite in assortments and boxed chocolates. Cadbury Roses were first introduced in 1938 to compete in the twist wrapped assortment market. Early designs incorporated a sampler or embroidery rose design.

  • £14.40
    Total: £ 14.40
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  • Aunt Bessie’s Toffee A...

    Juicy apples and sweet toffee sauce to make a delicious Toffee Apple Pie.

  • Rose’s Lime Cordial

    Rose's Lime Cordial was first established in 1867.

    Rose & Co. first imported lime juice from the West Indies in the 1860s. Trade thrived because merchant ships were compelled to carry lime or lemon juice. Lauchlan Rose devised a method for preserving juice without alcohol and so he invented the world's first concentrated fruit drink.

  • Peanut Oil

    Culinary Uses
    Peanut oil is one of the widely used vegetable oils of the world. A pretty common cooking oil in Asian countries, this oil is also used in western countries. It also has numerous  applications in Asian cooking. In west, it is widely used for frying foods, particularly french fries, turkey and chicken. This edible oil is often used in salad dressings, marinades, and baked goods.

    It is the most widely used cooking oil in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the healthiest cooking oils for day to day needs and a tablespoon (approximately 15 grams) of peanut oil has just under 120 calories. In China, the peanut oil used is less refined, retaining a little bit more of the protein of the peanut and producing a stronger peanut flavor.

  • Arla Pro Soft Cheese Reduced...

    Creamy and fresh tasting cream cheese. Great as a base from cheese sandwiches to pastas. Made with cows milk.

  • MK4 Seeded Burger Bun

    A sliced white burger bun with a golden brown crust, topped with sesame seeds.

  • Canola oil

    Canola oil is the preferred oil for use in both countries because it is the oil lowest in saturated fats. Canola meal is the by-product of canola oil processing. It is used as a high-protein feed ingredient in the rations of poultry, swine, cattle and fish.

    These food and feed applications are possible through strict procedures used in the processing of canola seed into oil and meal. This document describes the processing methodologies that are used by the canola industry to produce high quality oil and meal products.

    The production of edible vegetable oils including canola oil involves two overall processes, mechanical pressing and extraction, and further processing to remove impurities. The techniques used are similar for most vegetable oils produced from the seeds of plants. The crushing and extraction processes utilized by the canola industry today produce very little change to the fatty acid profile of the oil and the nutritional qualities of the meal.

  • Honest Pomegranate & Bl...

    Honest delivers great-tasting, organic certified, low-calorie refreshment. Crafted with brewed herbal tea, organic cane sugar and enhanced with fruit juice concentrate, Honest tastes “just a tad sweet”. All flavours are made in Great Britain and certified organic by the Soil Association – the UK’s largest organic certification body and environmental charity.

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