Frozen Food

  • Beans

    Green beans, yellow beans
    cuts beans, whole beans, calibrated beans, uncalibrated beans

    IQF beans are prepared by freezing process from freshly harvested, clean and sound green or yellow beans. Product is free from pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Size: Whole
    Cut: from 20 mm to 40 mm
    Or according customer requirements.

    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Peas

    Whole peas, A grade peas, B grade peas

    IFQ Peas are prepared by blanching and freezing process from freshly harvested, clean and sound green peas. Product is free from pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Potatoes

    diced potatoes, sliced potatoes, fried potatoes

    IQF potatoes are prepared by blanching and freezing process from fresh and clean potato cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 6 x 6 mm, 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm
    Slices: 7 mm, 10 mm

    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Tomato

    skin on/off tomatoes , diced tomatoes , sliced tomatoes

    IQF tomatoes are prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean tomatoes (skin on or skin off) cut into dices, halves or quartered. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 6 x 6 mm, 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm

    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Corn

    kernels corn, cobs corn , mini cobs corn

    IQF Corn is prepared by freezing process from fresh, ripe and clean corn cobs or kernels. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.

    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Carrots

    diced carrots, sliced carrots, fluted carrots, julienne carrots

    IQF carrots is prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean carrot cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 6 x 6 mm, 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm
    Slices: 6 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Broccoli

    florets broccoli, 10-20 broccoli, 15-30 broccoli, 20-40 broccoli, 20-60 broccoli

    IQF broccoli florets are prepared by freezing process from freshly harvested, clean and sound broccoli. Green florets. Product is free from pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    10-20 mm
    15-30 mm
    20-40 mm
    30-45 mm
    30-60 mm
    Or according customer requirements.
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Asparagus

    spears asparagus, cuts asparagus, tips asparagus

    IQF asparagus are prepared by freezing process from freshly harvested, clean and sound asparagus. Product is free from pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Or according customer requirements.
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Leeks

    cut leeks, diced leeks, sliced leeks

    IQF leeks are prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean leek cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice, pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 10 x 10 mm
    Slices: 6-8 mm, 6-10 mm, 10-13 mm, 10-15 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Courgettes

    diced courgettes, sliced courgettes, batons courgettes

    IQF courgettes are prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean courgettes cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm
    Slices: 7 mm, 8 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Artichoke

    IQF Artichoke
    Quarters, bottoms, hearts
    Country of origin: : Italy, Spain, Egypt, Peru, Argentina
    Varieties: Romanesco, C3, Blanca de Tudela,  Brindisino, Catanese, Niscemese ,Baladi , Nato
    Artichoke is a vegetable. The flowers develop in a large head from an edible bud with numerous triangular scales; the individual florets are purple. The edible portion of the buds consists primarily of the fleshy lower portions of the  bracts and the base, known as the “heart”; the mass of immature florets in the center of the bud is called the “choke” or beard. These are inedible in older larger flowers.

  • Garlic

    IQF garlic
    Diced- according customer request
    The garlic cloves are peeled, diced, IQF-froze. The garlic is free from rot, moulds and foreign materials.

  • Chicago Town Meat Aupreme

    Mighty meaty! Melted Edam cheese, pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, red onion and our signature tomato sauce on a cripsy bread Sub.

  • Chicago Town Cheese and Tomato Pizza Sub

    Mmmm! Melted Edam, red Cheddar and mozzarella cheeses, tomato pieces and our signature tomato sauce on a cripsy bread Sub.

  • Chicago Town Double Pepperoni Pizza

    It’s time for a pep-talk!
    We take large pepperoni, mini pepperoni, mozzarella cheese and red onion and tumble on to our signature tomato sauce and classic deep pan base.

  • Chicago Town Triple Cheese Pizza

    Cheese, cheese… and MORE cheese!
    We take a delicious blend of mozzarella, Monterey Jack and mature Cheddar cheeses and tumble on to our signature tomato sauce and classic deep pan base.

  • Chicago Town Pulled Pork Pizza

    BBQ sizzle in every bite! Tender pulled pork and fried onion topped with melted mozzarella cheese on our signature BBQ sauce.

  • Chicago Town Pepperoni Pizza

    It’s time for a pep-talk! Mouthwatering pepperoni slices and melted mozzarella cheese on our signature tomato sauce.

  • Chicago Town New Yorker Pizza

    A taste of New York’s most awesome! Mouthwatering pepperoni slices, ham, red onions and melted mozzarella cheese on our signature BBQ sauce.

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