Frozen Vegetables

  • Carrots

    diced carrots, sliced carrots, fluted carrots, julienne carrots

    IQF carrots is prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean carrot cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 6 x 6 mm, 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm
    Slices: 6 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • £7.80
    Total: £ 7.80
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  • Cauliflower

    0-20 cauliflower, 20-40 cauliflower, 40-60 cauliflower, uncalibrated cauliflower
    IQF cauliflower florets are prepared by freezing process from freshly harvested, clean and sound cauliflower.  White, creamy white or cream florets. Product is free from pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    10-20 mm
    15-30 mm
    20-40 mm
    30-45 mm
    30-60 mm
    Or according customer requirements.
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • £9.00
    Total: £ 9.00
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  • Celery

    Frozen Celery

    IQF celery is prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean celery cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 10 x 10 mm
    Slices: 12 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • Corn

    kernels corn, cobs corn , mini cobs corn

    IQF Corn is prepared by freezing process from fresh, ripe and clean corn cobs or kernels. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.

    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • £22.00
    Total: £ 22.00
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  • £15.00
    Total: £ 15.00
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  • Country Mix

    Total: £ 8.58
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  • Courgettes

    diced courgettes, sliced courgettes, batons courgettes

    IQF courgettes are prepared by freezing process from fresh and clean courgettes cut into dices or slices. Product is free from clumps, ice,  pest infestation and foreign bodies.
    Dices: 10 x 10 mm, 20 x 20 mm
    Slices: 7 mm, 8 mm
    Please contact us if you need more detailed specifications or quotation.

  • £6.28
    Total: £ 6.28
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  • £13.00
    Total: £ 13.00
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